So on this fine DC morning I was planning on writing about Congress voting to buy themselves three private jets after bashing the leaders of the Big Three for taking private transport to ask for bailout money. Instead, however, there is a much more sinister issue that has come to light in the past 48 hours and that is of the White House asking citizens to forward "fishy" information concerning health care to the administration at the email address:
The whole article published by the White House can be read in its entirely here:
This should be a huge cause for concern. The White House is going to develop a database on who people are that disagree with ObamaCare. The Administration will have access to e-mail addresses, IP addresses, and identities of those who have differing opinions. I hope you find this as unconstitutional as I do. Who decides what is considered disinformation and, therefore, "fishy"? I certainly don't trust Obama's judgement for that!
When citizens know that if they express an opinion that is against that of the administration they will be tracked, they will hesitate to express that opinion. That, right there, is undemocratic. The whole point of our government is to give everyone a voice. So what is the point of having a say if you are scared to use it? Webster's defines Democracy as "a government by the people" so why, in a democracy, is one person allowed to corrupt the voice of the people?
What if Bush had done this? I am NOT a fan of Bush in the least but there would have been a MAJOR uproar had he proposed something similar. So why the love for Obama? Why the double standard? Just because he's black? Just because he's a Dem? Just because he is fashionable? Whatever the excuse, it is a truth that must be stopped. You can't argue the fact that Obama has been given a easy ride so far and has taken advantage of it 100%. Let's wake up and challenge the "Hope" and "Change" that is going to destroy our liberties.
So everyone that reads this, I ask that you please e-mail and tell them how you feel, I already have several times. Tell them how un-American it is that they are monitoring private citizens. Do not be afraid. Take a stand. "People should not fear their governments, the governments should fear the people" -T Jefferson, as American as they come ladies and gentlemen.

This tactic wreaks of Joe McCarthy, Joesph Stalin, Richard Nixon, and Adolf Hitler (and we all know how history judged them). What makes it different when Obama does it? Think about it PLEASE!
i think you misunderstand the intentions of this tip-line.
ReplyDeleteit's not about tracking DISAGREEING of opinion, it's about flat-out LIES and spreading bad information for peole to believe as truth (the govt. wants to kill your grandmother)
if we want to find a middle-ground and make any progress at all, HONEST, TRUTHFUL discourse is what's needed to make the converstaion progress.
all this tip-line is for is to stiffle the lies that hinder honest discourse.
unless you see a benefit to the lies and scare-tactics that are floating around about what needs to be discussed concerning our problems, i can't figure out why anyone would be interested in protecting other's ability to spread mis-information annonomously as they are/have been.
what's wrong with making the discussion about the facts only and weeding out anything that's not factually correct before we start to consider the up-sides and down-sides to what we have to consider?
i see no benefit to protecting the ability of others to lie and misinform the voting public annonoously.
i also see no wrong in giving the public a tip-line to notify the administration of any lies and bad information that floats around about their proposals (unless you are relying on those lies and misinformation to sway the voting public's opinion that is)