For those who know me, I normally respond to anything that comes out of Nancy Pelosi's mouth with a stream of curses. I do believe that she has done more to destroy this country than all KGB agents, terrorists, and N Koreans put together but today she actually did something to redeem herself (albeit on an issue that has no purpose being in front of Congress in the first place).
What I'm talking about is this:,0,764678.story
The cliff notes version you say? Ok here goes, Rep Jackson Lee - D Texas (I thought Texas summarily executed all Democrats?) sponsored a resolution to honor the illustrious Michael Jackson on the floor of the House (honor how, I don't know but I heard the resolution itself was more-or-less a biography of his music and the money he donated to various charities). Now Pelosi has come out saying that, because of the shitstorm that MJ's life became in the last decade (I'm paraphrasing here), the House should not even vote on a resolution to honor him.
This will probably be the only time I will ever say this but good for you Nance! This marks a departure from her policy of appeasement and means that she might actually have some values and sense of purpose of her own (shocking!). The House is not a place to talk about such a topic. You want to have a moment of silence for the death of a pop icon, that's fine and dandy but let the issue die there (pun UNintended).
Now I plan on resuming my undying hatred for this woman and everything she stands for (I am quite proud of myself for admitting that I agree with her for once even though it's a meaningless issue)
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