Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Classless Eco-Mentalists
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The Most Essential Skill of Any President
Back in March of last year, Samantha Power (Obama's foreign policy advisor) called Hillary Clinton a "monster" (forget for a minute that she was right, you still can't say that and hope to have a job under the President of the United States). Also, last March, it came to light another foreign policy adviser Rob Mailey, had been meeting continually with the terrorist group Hamas. And then we have Tim Geithner who evaded large amounts of taxes. Then we have Bill Richardson (corruption), Nancy Killefer (payroll tax evasion), Hilda Solis (tax evasion), and Tom Daschle (more tax evasion). You starting to get the picture yet?
The latest in this trend of poorly thought through and piss poorly vetted advisers (or czars if you prefer the Soviet term like Obama does) is that of Van Jones (read about him here and here), the Green Jobs Czar. He came out last week with all guns blazing and called all Republicans "assholes" (they generally are but you can't say that on the record and hope to hold a political office). He also signed the 9/11 Truth petition arguing that the Bush administration either turned a blind eye to 9/11 or perpetrated the attack themselves (which could be the case but you don't want a special adviser to the President holding that belief). He also founded the which "addressed black issues" (aka he's a racist).
Now, I am torn over the "assholes" comment. I believe that people should be able to say whatever they want and if that was Jones's only slip up, I would have wanted to keep him around. But he's a racist and a conspiracy theorist, good riddance.
But this highlights a bigger problem. Obama cannot choose staff intelligently (a simple Google or Wikipedia search would have told him all he needed to know about Van Jones). This scares me more than his socialist-leaning policies. I think the ability to choose your comrades is the most important ability a President has to have....... and Boh'Rock ain't got it.
A parting thought: Maybe Obama needs a Czar for Appointments of Czars
Friday, September 4, 2009
The GM Volt Revisited
Awhile back I wrote about GM's new hybrid, The Volt (here's my write up:
As those who know me personally know, I am a huge car guy and, more specifically, an avid Audi enthusiast (have been since I was 16 with my first A4 which was followed by my father's S6 and now my new S4). The reason I mention Audi in relation to GM's Volt is that Audi of America President Johan de Nysschen just came out with a prediction that the Volt will "fall flat" and "the federal government, having publicly forced GM to develop electric cars, will subsidize the Volt to save face and boost sales." See the entire article here: .
You know what? He's 100% right. I pointed out in my article on the subject that the Volt had no advantage over existing hybrids like the Prius or Honda Insight. I didn't really go into why hybrids are terrible investments and not the best choice if you are a true environmentalist but de Nysschen goes as far as saying people who buy hybrids over more fuel efficient, practical, and powerful diesels are "the intellectual elite who want to show what enlightened souls they are" (as Jay Leno says "here in America, we like to make known the good deeds we are doing annonymously"). He hit the nail on the head again. The big draw to hybrids is PR. People value the appearance of being environmentally friendly over actually being environmentally friendly. Hypocrites, all of em.
The question for the Volt is are the faux environmentalists willing to pay up to $15k over the price of Japanese hybrids for an American product? My answer: No. Japanese cars usually have a higher snob appeal than American cars. The hierarchy of snob appeal for cars goes like this: Italian>German>British>Japanese>American, at least in my book. So I sincerely doubt the Volt will take any significant market share away from Toyota or Honda with the Volt. If there were charging a lower price than the Japs, then it might, but definitely not when GM is selling at a premium.
The final question brought up by de Nysschen is that of "the federal government, having publicly forced GM to develop electric cars, will subsidize the Volt to save face and boost sales." I think this will make or break the Volt because it will effectively price the Volt below its Japanese rivals and that is probably enough to shift sales to GM. Judging by our government's recent actions (and the fact that Boh'Rock feels he has the right to run GM), this subsidy is a pretty safe bet so you can expect to see some solid sales numbers as a result.
The Volt is already a failure in my book even if it does sell well as a result of government intervention.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
You People Make Me Sick
Remind you of anything?
Anyone that pledges to a single person (outside of marriage) is no more than a drone.
Now I understand that most of what was said in the first video were things we can agree on about being nicer and all that feel good stuff, but there were quite a few things in there that are political in nature. And that is how this crap starts, make everyone feel good about following a leader (this is EXACTLY what the Nazis did in Germany, got everyone to feel good about being German and following Hitler). After the people are following the leader, the leader starts to make bolder and bolder policies and without anyone to challenge those policies and decisions, he is free to do pretty much whatever he wants (no one really protested Hitler's international belligerence or treatment of the Jews). So the question is, where does Obama want to take this?
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Gay Marriage in DC (or anywhere for that matter)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
September 1
-It was actually a joint Soviet-Nazi invasion with the Germans invading from the West and the Russians from the East, Poland never stood a chance.
-The ideological inspiration for conquering Poland was Hitler's misguided notion that there was a section of his Reich that laid on the opposite side of Poland and had been cut off from the rest of the Aryans after World War I and the resulting Treaty of Versailles (the Nazis called this the Polish Corridor).
-The event that triggered the invasion was dubbed the "Gleiwitz Incident" in which the Gestapo dressed as Polish soldiers blew up a German radio station near the border with Poland. This has been come to be known as "The Eve of World War II"
-The Polish high command saw the invasion coming and understood they had little chance. They initiated The Peking Plan on August 20th where Polish war ships were evacuated to British controlled ports. Live to fight another day as they say.
-The invasion started with the Luftwaffe (German Air Force) bombing the Polish town of Wielun at 4:40am. Over 75% of the town was destroyed
-Over 20,000 Poles were executed by the German army during September
-The total Polish death toll during the invasion was ~200,000
RIP the 65 million that died in the following years.
German soldiers executing Poles
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Homework Assignment
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Not Going to Talk About TedK...... How About Profiling Instead?
MOVING ON....... I was riding the metro on the way to work and I noticed a lady next to me reading aloud from the Koran while rocking back and forth. She was decked out in a full burque (I swear it looked like she was working on a bee farm). Now, I don't normally look at someone of middle eastern decent and say "oh they must be a terrorist" but this lady had me downright scared. The situation was an extremely crowded metro car headed towards downtown DC during the AM rush hour, could you pick a better target for a terrorist attack?
Now, before jumping to conclusions, I looked at my fellow "infidel" passengers to see if they were as uncomfortable as I was. It appeared they were indeed. There was one guy between me and the lady in question who was visibly sweating and looked extremely worried (he would be the first to die if the lady suddenly lit the fuse on her shoes). Needless to say, my guard was up. At one point she bent down to get something out of her backpack and you could hear everyone just gasp (I was ready to tackle her or run for dear life at this point). Anyway, I got off at the next stop much to my relief and I haven't heard anything about a terrorist attack in the DC area so I think she probably wasn't a jihadist.
So should I be ashamed/mad at myself that I judged someone like this? The answer is no. It wasn't the skin color that made me sit up and take notice, it was the reading of the Muslim religious text on public transit which has historically been a prime target for Islamic terrorism. In fact, I would say that I was doing my duty as an American. Bear with me on this one ladies and gents..... Let's start back in 2001 when the WTC was brought down by Muslim fundamentalists. These were people of middle eastern decent who were deeply Muslim. I believe that event gave me (and every other American) the right to be cautious of everyone else matching that description. I know I lost some people with that last statement, people call it profiling or making a generalization and, while that all may be true, it is the price we must pay for vigilance. People who fit into that category have carried out numerous (13911 separate attacks according to since 9/11. To me that means that people of the Muslim faith have a higher association with terrorist acts than those of any other faith or no faith at all (notice I did NOT say that being Muslim causes terrorist acts, any statistician/economist worth their salt would avoid saying that). So I do believe I have good reason to be wary of anyone reading the Koran and rocking back and forth while riding a crowded subway and wearing a backpack. Call me racist, call me a xenophobe, call me intolerant but at least I'll be alive.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
CIA doing something illegal? Gasp!
Good job Obama, you just significantly handicapped our ability to gather intelligence and defend our nation, good job slick!
because I am not that articulate, I leave others to say what I can't :
Monday, August 24, 2009
Madoff, Cancer is Too Good For You
You know what I say? Good! This sorry excuse for a human being deserves every second of suffering coming his way (and hopefully it is prolonged and agonizing). This ALMOST makes me believe in the existence of God or a Karma-esque system where evil do-ers get their come-uppins.
This begs the question, do we let him out to die outside of the prison system like the UK did with the Lockerbie bomber? The answer is absolutely not, the American public hates this guy far too much for that. But what does that say? A guy who took money (in the end, money is just money and no more) is hated more than a guy who killed 259 people. Since when did money become more important than lives? I am not arguing to let Madoff out but I am extremely upset that Al Megrahi is back in Libya. The fact that he is out is a giant slap in the face to the US, even Scotland doesn't take us seriously. Imagine what the US would have done to Al Megrahi if he'd been tried here keeping in mind that we sentenced Madoff to 150 years. That's the way it should be done, with a vengeance (cue John McClean and Die Hard theme song). America, f*ck yea.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Just a Quote for Today
Thursday, August 20, 2009
If It's Broken, Make it Bigger and Give it More Money
Ok, now let's move on, the program sucks, let it die. But let's not forget to learn from this (the now infamous "teaching moment", copyright Boh'Rock during the Gates incident). The government can come up with these grandiose plans with extremely noble goals (save the auto industry and decrease emissions for example) but when it comes to writing the policy to "get shit done" so to speak and finally putting that plan into action, the government is lousy, inefficient, and dog shit slow. This often exacerbates whatever problem was trying to be fixed in the first place and everyone ends up worse off.
So take the above lesson and ask yourself "After this exhibition of governmental failure to manage a relatively minor amount of money, $3 billion, do we really want to hand them the keys to the healthcare system worth MUCH more than $3B?"
I was talking to a few people about this today and I came up with an analogy that I know my parents can relate to:
Your kid wrecks a nice car worth a good amount of money that you bought him (like my first car, nice but not that fast). Do you go out and then buy him a $200,000 Lamborghini capable of 200+mph? Absolutely not.
I don't want the government crashing and burning at 200mph because, guess what, all of us are riding shotgun.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Freakin' Favre
Monday, August 17, 2009
Lofty Goals, Piss Poor Execution: The Story of Every Government Program
Why is this you ask? Apparently there are a number of reasons but under-staffing (staff of 225 for 338,659 vehicles) and minor paperwork glitches are cited as the main causes. Isn't this typical of any government program? Hugely impressive goals coming from the mouths of politicians (they want to be remembered for having such a positive program when it comes election time) but, once the program has been met with positive poll results, the wind falls from the sails.
Now this begs the question, where is the collective $3B authorized by our "officials" to come from our pockets? According to my math (338,659 vehicles * $4,500 per vehicle to be nice and then take 2% of that), only $30,479,310 has been released to dealers. $30M out of $3B? What a terrible track record.
Now here's the real kicker. The dealers are not being paid for the cars they "sold" which means they still own the cars. This means they can take back the cars sold under the program that haven't been paid off.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Newest Political Guru, Chuck Norris?
It's a good read:
Getting away from Politics for a Minute
Monday, August 10, 2009
I Find It Funny.....
So this website (also called Organizing for America) is 100% about his own personal agenda while in office. It is in no way affiliated with the United States government. Does anyone else find this strange that a sitting President continues to operate his own campaign site? Shouldn't he be busy with other, more pressing matters?
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The Fundamental Problem With Universal Healthcare in America

Lately there has been an ungodly amount of debate regarding Obama's version of universal healthcare (lovingly dubbed "Obamacare"). Most of the hubbub has been over if people will be able to keep their own doctors, what this means for existing insurance, and if this will impact the overall quality of care. Those issues I am not going to address here. There is a more basic, fundamental issue with universal healthcare in our country.
If we lay down the political arms for a few minutes and analyze our own lifestyles and routines, we see that we all make decisions using our own free will every day. Each of these decisions has an impact on a person's overall level of health. For example, Joe chooses to eat at McDonalds for dinner every night, drink ten beers daily, and to smoke a pack every day. Now I don't do any of these things because I have a certain level of respect for myself but, when it comes down to it, Joe has the freedom to make these decisions without anyone telling him otherwise. To be quite honest, this is exactly what I believe makes America great (cliche, yes, true, yes).
Now when Joe's unhealthy decisions catch up to him, he will inevitably have to enter the health care system for some sort of procedure. In days past, Joe either had insurance to cover these costs or he paid out of pocket. The financial responsibility for Joe's poor choices were on him and him alone. Under a universal healthcare system that is funded with taxpayer money, the general public has to bear the cost of Joe's decisions.
Nothing about what I've said thus far is groundbreaking but here is the paradox. A person that is free to make their own choices their entire life but doesn't have to bear any of the responsibility for the consequences of those actions does not have much incentive to act responsibly. If we take that logic and build upon it, we find that the next course of action should be to regulate the actions one can take during their lifetime to minimize the cost of healthcare (aka cost to the government and taxpayers) later in life. In Joe's case, this means regulating his caloric intake, requiring him to exercise, mitigating his drinking, and prohibiting him smoking. This would result in Joe being less of burden on the healthcare system.
How would you feel if the government told you what to eat, when to exercise, and what to do in your spare time? How American is that?
What I fear is that, if we implement Obama's proposed healthcare plan, we, as a nation, take one of three paths: (1 like described above) we continue to regulate what a person can and cannot do based on what impact that will have on the person's health or (2) we draw the line in the sand, refuse to regulate an individual's activities, and abandon the universal healthcare system or (3) refuse to regulate an individual's activities, keep the universal system in place and it bankrupts the country.
The results of those three paths respectively are: (1) a distopian future where everything is heavily regulated (for an example of what I'm talking about read A Brave New World or 1984), (2) we end up back where we are now but after burning through a whole lot of taxpayer dollars, or (3) the unthinkable.
So if we pull ourselves away from this partisan battle over the minutia of Obama's plan and look at what the real issue is here and how it can impact our entire nation, we can see there is no positive outcome.
In a fundamentally free country, a universal healthcare system is bound for failure so you need to get rid of one or the other. So choose: a free country or a universal healthcare system. Which will it be America?
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
This Could Be A Full Time Job For Me

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I'm Getting Old
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Cash for Clunkers Rant
2. 1997 Ford Explorer
3. 1996 Ford Explorer
4. 1999 Ford Explorer
5. Jeep Grand Cherokee
6. Jeep Cherokee
7. 1995 Ford Explorer
8. 1994 Ford Explorer
9. 1997 Ford Windstar
10. 1999 Dodge Caravan
2. Honda Civic
3. Toyota Corolla
4. Toyota Prius
5. Ford Escape
6. Toyota Camry
7. Dodge Caliber
8. Hyundai Elantra
9. Honda Fit
10. Chevy Cobalt
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Sh*t Keeps Piling Up
God Bless Canada! The Canadian Free Press anyway. They are reporting on the staff hired to manage Michelle Obama's agenda and activities. If that last sentence doesn't automatically make you sit up and get you a little verclempt, let's remember that she holds no official government post, no elected position, and makes zero decisions what-so-ever. So you say, "Okay, she can have a secretary to handle her public appearances" and I might agree with that but that is not the case in the least. Below is a list of everyone that works for her directly and how much they make per year:
-$172,2000 - Sher, Susan (CHIEF OF STAFF)
-Bookey, Natalie (STAFF ASSISTANT)
I just did the math and that adds up to $831,500 and some of those people don't even have salaries attached! So let's call it around a cool million. What do all these people do? How many events can she POSSIBLY have? Why does she get ANY of these people working for her? She is not making any decisions or policy in the name of the United States so what is the point of all this? Give her a cell phone and a calendar and let her earn her own keep.
Flash back to the election, Palin got slammed for spending campaign funds on clothes for her and her husband. While I'm not a fan of Palin or her nutjob beliefs, I see her spending of this money as in better faith than paying the salaries of Michelle's entourage. At least Palin had a goal in mind, get her and McCain elected (after all, isn't that what campaign funds are for?) while Michelle is just passing the time she's in the White House (hopefully only 4 years or even less). I'm going to refrain from going into the whole "the media will crucify the conservative for the lesser evil while letting the liberal skate" tirade that I hear almost daily.
I'm going to be brutally honest here. I have a passionate hatred for Michelle. I hate her guts. She is about as un-American as you can get (where's Joesph McCarthy when you need him?). I hate that everyone likes her. I hate how she thinks she is a fashionista. And now I hate her for taking my taxes and hiring a staff of over-glorified secretaries.
But really, what can be done? What recourse is there? She doesn't hold an elected position so we can't vote her out of office. We could try tarring and feathering but that is so 200 years ago (there would be an ironic historical accuracy for her crime however). Here is the crux of the issue, there is no way for us citizens to have any real impact or give any meaningful feedback as to where our tax dollars are really going. The federal government has gotten so bloated that it is absolutely impossible to have any real oversight. Essentially the government is seen as a bottomless piggy bank and the spending skyrockets accordingly. But, guess what, the money comes from two places: our pockets and foreign investment and both sources are being maxed out.

The public is being fleeced, our pockets are being picked, we are being robbed blind......
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
When Did Big Brother Become Our Friend?

Friday, July 24, 2009
Racism is an equal opportunity employer
So what came out of O!'s mouth was that the police had "acted stupidly". While disregarding the fact that Obama knows little to nothing about the incident, I must say that two black men breaking into the home in a predominately white neighborhood should, without a doubt, create a stir. And the fact of the matter is that a citizen called the complaint in! It isn't like the police just saw two black men randomly sitting on the front porch of this house, they were responding to a call from a concerned citizen (funny no one is saying that citizen is racist here..... they aren't at all, I'm just making a point that people rush to demonize police). If the police hadn't acted on the tip and it turned out to actually be two thieves and the police let the home get broken into, the community would be livid!
So here is what it looked like from the police side of the story (and you can't tell me you wouldn't have acted the same way):
-Call comes in from a neighbor saying that two men were breaking into a home
-Police respond to that residence
-Police question the man (Gates but not yet identified to police) inside the house
-Man refuses to provide proof of who he is
-Man verbally abuses officers
-Officers ask man to come outside
-Man continues to yell
-Police arrest man for disorderly conduct
-Police verify his identity after arresting him
-Police release him
That, right there, is text book police work. You see something fishy going on, you err on the side of caution and make sure everything is copacetic (because *gasp* sometimes criminals lie about who they are). Had they not followed procedure and it turned out the house was actually being broken in to, there would have been hell to pay (for one, I'd rather be in jail for an hour for breaking into my own house than let someone who claimed to be me steal all my stuff).
So now, let's turn to Gates. He is crying racism over the entire incident. You know what that says to me? The first thing to come into his mind is "I'm being arrested for being black", not "I'm being arrested for breaking into a home". Doesn't this show who the racist really is?
And let's look at the officer in question here, Sgt. James Crowley. Here is a guy that taught classes in how to avoid racial profiling to other officers (BTW a black police commissioner picked him for that job). Don't you think he might know a thing or two about how to avoid racial profiling? And I also have a feeling that if Crowley were black, we wouldn't be hearing a peep about racism but the event would have gone down the EXACT same way.
So now Obama answers a few questions about this incident at his health care press conference and ends up saying that the officers 'acted stupidly'. There are a few problems here: (1) Obama has no first hand knowledge of what went on, (2) he doesn't defer to the judgment of law enforcement who were actually there, (3) he actually questions the law enforcement process of public safety by saying that officers following procedure were acting stupidly, (4) he implied that race had a role in this at all because it was a black man being arrested.
Now I hate to jump to conclusions here (who am I kidding, I LOVE jumping to conclusions!), but in any situation like this I say "would this be an issue if both people were white, black, yellow, green, etc?" The answer is HELL NO, there would have been no shout from Gates about this being a race issue, Jesse and Al wouldn't be back up on their respective soap boxes, and Obama wouldn't be questioning the integrity of a highly respected law enforcement officer.
So Gates, Al, Jesse, and Obama, to save yourself from appearing racist (even though anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows you are), just shut up.
Update: Obama and Gates were friends before the incident (SHOCKING!), more about Crowley is coming out about him being an upstanding citizen and family man.
Read about it here:
Another update: Obama calls Crowley to semi-apologize (still not good enough!)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
How to Speak Washingtonian
Yes, he bikes around the capital. I'll knock him off of it if I ever see him (BTW he is breaking the law by going the wrong way down the street, can I have a cut of the tax dollars generated from the ticket?)
Monday, July 20, 2009
To Put Things In Perspective

History Lesson
The year is 1907 and the State of Indiana (don't poke fun at Indiana, it happens to be my favorite state) has just passed the Compulsory Sterilization Law which states that 'confirmed criminals', 'idiots', 'imbeciles', and 'rapists' are to be forcibly sterilized. This means that the state will sterilize criminals and mentally retarded people. The sad thing is that Indiana was a trend setter in this case (rarely happens now-a-days) and 29 other states adopted similar laws (as well as Nazi Germany). California moved into the "forefront" of eugenics as it really embraced the program (now you know why California liberals scare me quite badly) and they forcibly sterilized about 20,000 people (out of about 60,000 sterilized total in the country)(source:
This is about as arrogant as a society can get, telling someone they aren't of high enough value to control their own reproductive function (not to mention being completely and totally unconstitutional). Would society be better off if certain elements were not allowed to procreate? Who knows (by what standard are we measuring 'better'? who is setting the direction of society? It's a dangerous game). But what I do know is that taking away the freedom to have your own offspring unequivocally violates someone's right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And we (as citizens of the Land of the Free) let this go on openly and did little to nothing to prevent it.
Bottom line (other than the fact that Hitler used California's forced sterilization program as a framework for the Third Reich's eugenics program) is that we may think we are hot stuff because we have the most technologically advanced military or the strongest economy (or had rather), but we are just like everyone else, prone to making mistakes and missteps. So let's not get carried away and think we can't F it all up.