Tuesday, August 25, 2009

CIA doing something illegal? Gasp!

Obama told Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint someone to investigate whether or not the CIA committed any illegal acts during the interrogations of the past few years (why Holder couldn't be bothered with this himself or why Obama didn't choose anyone himself is beyond me). Now, I can only be brief for I have to run to an all day training, but I know that any agency in charge of foreign intelligence gathering must be giving a whole lot of leeway when it comes to observing domestic law. Need I remind the rest of this country that most of the people interrogated are from third world nations (Afghanistan, Iraq, etc) that have a very healthy hatred for everything we stand for. And when it comes to people that hate us til the ends of the earth, we need to play hardball (aka not hold the interrogators to the letter of the law). On a side note, this means that I am agreeing with Cheney.... please don't hold it against me.

Good job Obama, you just significantly handicapped our ability to gather intelligence and defend our nation, good job slick!

because I am not that articulate, I leave others to say what I can't :http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2009/08/24/kt-mcfarland-cia-interrogation-intelligence/?loomia_ow=t0:s0:a16:g2:r3:c0.101844:b27320092:z0

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